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Christian missionary and teacher

Henri Robert

Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.

Mat. 28.19-20

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Acts 1.8

À propos

About me

Born on September 17, 1953 and trained as a teacher, I went on mission with YWAM in Ivory Coast from 1983 to 1996. There, I assumed the role of teacher, especially with missionary children and teenagers. I then worked for the Bible Institute of MAN (today the International Evangelical University of MAN), still in Ivory Coast, as a teacher and administrative assistant.


I returned to France in 1996, then to Switzerland in 1998. I was involved in the OMF Mission Committee for some time, then I resumed my work as a teacher until 2018, until my retirement.

Today, I continue to give some classes, mostly in churches, and to be involved in church life. Below is a list of the subjects I teach. If you have any requests or suggestions, please write to me. My email address is at the bottom of this page.


My lessons

The courses below are the ones I give the most, but I have other knowledge to share. Contact me if you are interested in other topics.


Meeting foreign cultures is less easy than it seems. Today's churches are becoming more and more multicultural. If we don't prepare for it, we risk encountering conflicts, misunderstandings, or unintentionally offending people. This course addresses the issue of multicultural cohabitation and teaches you how to manage it. You will see that it is possible! This course is based on many examples and testimonies from missionary experiences.


A good sermon should always touch the head (provoke thought) but also the heart (touch people personally). It must be powerful so as not to be forgotten as soon as you leave the church. In this course, I reveal to you how to prepare and communicate a good message, whether on Sunday or in a youth or prayer group.


Having studied Genesis and the theories related to it extensively, I teach you to compare the different interpretations of Genesis 1 to 3 and form your opinion. These early chapters of the Bible answer many fundamental questions of human existence. Although we cannot solve all the mysteries of creation, there are many truths we can learn from Genesis 1-3.



Henri Robert
Pestalozzistrasse 28
3007 Berne, Suisse


Tél : +41 78 768 18 05

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